The Mana World Game Rules

1. Do not AFK bot

This means you are not allowed to perform any AFK (away from keyboard) activity, apart from standing idle.

2. Do not use offensive/rude language

In the chats or in your character(s) name(s).

3. Do not spam/flood other players

This includes chat spam and spam by trade requests.

4. Speak only English in public areas.

You can speak whatever language you want through whispers or whenever everyone in the area can speak said language.

5. Do not beg others

For money, items or favours of any kind. If you want to ask for something, do it politely and only once. Try not to annoy other players.

6. Do not multibox

You are not allowed to engage in combat while controlling more than one character at a time.

7. Follow the TMW Social Convention (TSC)

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