
Manasource is an organisation with members from several game projects that have spawned throughout the history of the organisation.

The Mana World started as an open source 2D MMORPG in 2004 and was from the beginning constantly-evolving. Over time forks emerged of the original game and its client, as well as different server software and even plans for new titles inspired by the original game. Manasource is a collaboration between these related projects, managing shared resources like hosting, software and game content.

Our software is free and open source and we endorse the principles of free software as defined by the Free Software Foundation.

Development Projects

Mana Team (MT, Team)

Mana Team is the executive body of Manasource. It is made up of Developers, Administrators and Game Masters with a long history within the organisation. In order to acquire MT membership, a vote is required within the guidelines established in the membership section.


General Duties

Issues which require a Mana Team voting poll

How to conduct a voting poll

How to conduct a consultative poll

Consensus governance


Mana Team contributor groups

MT members roughly fit into three categories: Administrators (Admins), Developers (Devs) and Game Masters (GMs). One person may occupy one or more of these roles.

Administrators (Admins)

Developers (Devs)

Game Masters (GMs)

Affiliated groups

These groups are closely affiliated with MT and Manasource as an organisation, but are not necessarily direct members of the Team. MT may suspend membership of these groups through consensus and revoke membership through voting poll.




Note: You must be registered on Forums to see the member list.